If you are wondering how you can conserve energy use at your commercial property, check out these four simple tips that can easily be implemented into most business processes:

#1 Bulb Choices
Instead of using incandescent light bulbs, use CFL or LED bulbs. These lighting options are much more efficient in energy distribution.
#2 Off/On
Do not keep unnecessary lights on. Make this a regular business practice. An even better option would be install automatic lights.
In the same way, turning off machines that are not in use is another way to conserve energy.
#3 HVAC System
Keep your HVAC system in check and in proper working condition. A damaged system can lead to energy waste.
#4 Insulation
Similar to a proper working HVAC system, it’s important to constantly confirm that all insulation, for example weather stripping along doors and windows, remains in proper working condition.